Trademark registration in Rwanda under the previous laws, (Before 14 December 2009) were given a full-time protection from the date of its registration and no renewal of the trademark registration was required.
However, with the new law on the Protection of Intellectual Property, published on 14th December 2009, has brought some changes one of them is Trademark renewal for protection offered to the registered Trademark. All registered trademark will be protected for 10 years from the date of registration.
As such, all Trademarks which were filed under trademark laws that were in effect prior to December 14, 2009, should be renewed on or before 14th December, 2019, this is in accordance with the Rwandan Law 31/2009 on the Protection of Intellectual Property which was published on December 14, 2009.
The Law states that, existing trademark registrations can be renewed within ten years of the entry into force of the Law, i.e. by 14 December 2019 is the date that is due for renewal of all Trademarks filed before 14th December, 2009.
Once Trademark registration is renewed the Trademark will be protected for another 10 years form the date of renewal.
We would advise Trademark owners, who have registered their trademarks in Rwanda prior to December 14, 2009, to Renew their trademarks before they lose their rights over these Trademarks.
We at iGentrademarkers, will be of help if you need our assistance on filling trademark renewal application and obtain renewal certificate on your behalf in Rwanda. You may contact us through email or you may give us call +255738912597